Name of Young Person
Adolescent Wellbeing
Please tick as appropriate
Most of the time sometimes never
1. I look forward to things as much as I used to _ _ _
2. I sleep very well _ _ _
3. I feel like crying _ _ _
4. I like going out _ _ _
5. I feel like leaving home _ _ _
6. I get stomache-aches/cramps _ _ _
7. I have lots of energy _ _ _
8. I enjoy my food _ _ _
9. I can stick up for myself _ _ _
10. I think life isn’t worth living _ _ _
11. I am good at things I do _ _ _
12. I enjoy the things I do as much as I used to _ _ _
13. I like talking to my friends and family _ _ _
14. I have horrible dreams _ _ _
15. I feel very lonely _ _ _
16. I am easily cheered up _ _ _
17. I feel so sad I can hardly bear it _ _ _
18. I feel very bored _ _ _
18. The responses to each question are scored 0, 1 or 2. How the responses are
scored depends on the nature of the statement that is being responded to as
well as the response. 0 means that the response indicates no concern, 1
possible concern and 2 that the young person is indicating unhappiness or
low self esteem with regard to that item.
For example for question 8 – I enjoy my food – if no/never is ticked the score
is 2. For question 17 – I feel so sad I can hardly bear it – a score of 2 would be
obtained for most of the time.
19. A score of 13 or more has been found to indicate the likelihood of a
depressive disorder. Discussion with the young person and information from
other sources will be necessary to make a definite diagnosis. There will be
some who score high, but who on careful consideration are not judged to
have a depressive disorder, and others who score low who do have one.
20. In most instances the way a young person responds to the the different
questions will be as important and as valuable as any score, because they
can give an insight into that particular young person’s needs. The reply to
only one question may give the opportunity to understand their point of
Birleson P (1980) The validity of Depressive Disorder in Childhood and the
Development of a Self-Rating Scale; a Research Report. Journal of Child Psychology
and Psychiatry. 22: 73–88.
9. In piloting social workers found young people were pleased to have the
opportunity to contribute to the assessment.
10. The questionnaire often helped them express their feelings. It gave ‘an
overall insight in a short time’. It presented a ‘truer picture of the
adolescent’s state of mind’. ‘It gave me insight into how sad and
overwhelmed the young person felt’.
11. On occasions use of the scale pointed to particular issues that could be a
focus for further work. It gave an opportunity for ‘the young person to look
at themselves’.
12. The scale has proved useful with adolescents at initial assessment, but also to
monitor progress. For example it helped ‘clarify a young person’s feeling
about placement with their mother’.
13. During piloting over half the young people who filled out the questionnaire
were above the cut-off score of 13 indicating a probable depressive disorder.
14. The young person needs to understand the aim of the questionnaire, and
how it fits into any wider assessment.
15. Ideally it is completed by the adolescent themselves, but, if necessary, it an
be administered verbally.
16. Discussion is usually best at the end, but there may be important areas that
need to be picked up as the result of comments made while the
questionnaire is being filled out. A number of adolescents talk as they are
completing the scale, and this may provide a good opportunity to promote
conversation, or establish rapport.
17. During piloting the scale took about 15 minutes to complete, ensuing
discussion took longer.
1. How young people feel in themselves is a vital part of any assessment.
2. It is important to understand their worries and concerns, and whether they
are depressed or even suicidal.
3. There is good evidence that the way a young person is feeling is often not
recognised by their parents or caregivers. This makes it particularly important
to have a way of helping them to express directly how they are feeling.
4. With very young children their reporting can fluctuate from day to day, or
even hour to hour – they do not necessarily give a stable view of their
situation. Evaluation of their perspective requires particular care, so
questionnaires are not usually a good starting point
5. Older children and adolescents can give a more reliable report, which means
that a questionnaire may be more helpful. As with some adults they often
find it easier to respond to a questionnaire about feelings than face-to-face
The Scale
6. The Adolescent Wellbeing Scale was devised by Birleson to pick up possible
depression in older children and adolescents. It has been shown to be
effective for this purpose.
7. The scale has 18 questions – each relating to different aspects of an
adolescent’s life, and how they feel about them. They are asked to indicate
whether the statement applies to them most of the time, sometimes or never.
8. The scale can be used by children as young a 7 or 8, but as indicated above,
responses are more reliable for those aged 11 or more.
Birleson P (1980) The validity of Depressive Disorder in Childhood and the
Development of a Self-Rating Scale; a Research Report. Journal of Child Psychology
and Psychiatry. 22: 73–88.
Document available D.O.H. ADOLESCENT WELLBEING.
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